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Writer's picturePolina Outkina

A deep look at human creativity

A channelled psychic article.

I had a lovely lady, Amanda M. ask me 3 questions about creativity - here they are:



I would like to know your personal thoughts on Neville Goddard and Florence Scoval Schinn [spelling]... << One

That was a refreshing email thank you - just got the chance to sit down and unpack it.

Neville Goddard - there is a really big chance that this person didn’t take because they didn’t want to be understood as it felt very empty and painful to be them. They didn’t care for themselves and they didn’t offer help to anyone - they just wished to be praised praised praised. It was a hard work that they did inside of themselves - marvelous soul restoration. Amazing design. But they are here only just for a minute. You start speaking - they fly away. They don’t care about us anymore. They have gone and left the building. But they are still trying to tell something. As they really did just need to be heard.

Florence Scovel Shinn - She was really calm and collected - never wanted anyone to feel or see her true light and feelings as she did have a lot of splendor to her but inside there were lots of gossiping energies and rumors. Maybe she had a lot of voices but also a lot of actions that nobody really knew of or cared to know about. She may have been schizophrenic and she could have made many people feel not proud at all - by her inner language, her temperament in the home or just how she liked to - be. It was hard for her too. But she didn’t want to stop. She was OCD about her language and ideology while the thought pattern in her private life was just - rotten. She did though make many people proud and healed a lot of people. Her touch is magic and she can still heal people as a soul - progressively too. So - it is a saint - but was very close to a mental asylum or homelessness in nature or by nature.

Overall I see where you are putting my steps - very interesting to talk of this with you - I am not familiar with either name.



Two >> On utilizing imagination... in the journey of life...  

Imagination - well. That’s the thing if you allow your body to relax and you let your pineal gland talk you don’t need to make a scene. You will be shown - something. Like in dreams. You are shown - without your imagination - which is the will over dream time - pushing a kind of vision to appear infront of you that you want.

Imagination has not really got enough power over the natural world. The world itself will tell you a story or weave you a dream. The world has it’s own dream time and its own interpretation of itself through the vision or the impulses and stimulation. So - just as with San Pedro or Ayahuasca we just kind of - let the visions be open to us and then eventually - we get really tired of them - and they finish eventually.

In terms of using logical “wisdom” of creative control using imagination - sure. But in my feelings - children (when it comes to Disney and all that stuff also) - they don’t use it like adults do. Children if you see them clearly - don’t talk the way Disney does. It’s not imaginative at all for them it is like a group or mental state assigned to a child. But it is not a world of anything is possible. It is not about anything being possible - it is just propaganda and fancy dress. But say - when you see kids actually use intuition and curiosity they may often describe you very very intense and big things - using creativity.

So in a sense a true artist or visionary may not give you the “correct fact” but rather - explain how they feel or they - explain their intuitive inner process - their inner world through a kind of medium of art music or  - whatever it is.

But they are not HERE. Like - when they do it.

When I do it - like - when I channel - I have a kind of medium between me and others as I don’t want to at all - suggest anything hurtful or un peaceful. My words are just a mere - invitation to change something. Because….fate is changeable. Though people don’t like that feeling. They thing it is written in the stars. So I’m not actually - an astrologer. More a shaman.

Because in a shamanic way it’s like - you give them feelings they think are your own - you extend your coat of dream - they sit in the corner of it or they cover themselves in it - so I’m a surrogate safety net for their dream time as I will help them structure their psyche away from hurt and harm that it keeps on catching on to - that web - gets destroyed….that was before (that created their time or their body here) and I do also help with organ restaurantion - as you see looking at me I’m a patchwork of organ restoration myself (something I did forever in this and other bodies) so you see - the meaning….meaning….of illusion or imitation or enjoyment or imagination or just - anything….is true healing. It’s just that whether or not we can see it for what it is.

As anything imaginary or illusionary is just a kind of - disease speaking to us.

Most art and music is a kind of show off thing. It’s a show and tell thing. It is a karmic thing and it is a very fragile thing. But when we see things for what they are - we see things for who they are…we really imagine and believe and not just this….we really see the truth of things.

Which is where - critical thinking and design and photographic work and photo influenced realistic art usually - eventually - take the piece of cake. The reason they are still in mode - even if people put out the bet of the best type of junk out there. Is simple - because they are actually here and now.

Most designers and decorators that use imagination to just - put into the physical life greater function and understanding of divine principles through simple recognition of physical matter and physical biological processes - win everything.

The person that can understand god and simply help others support themselves better in this reality with natural fibers, flavors and colors - with a natural and more ergonomic and simplified physical way of being in this world - is the actual master.

And everything - everything. From Rembrandt to - Chaplin - to - just any old person that wishes to diminish god…..point and puncture through life. Create noise….create music that is not of earth or of soul. A person that wants to POINT things out or that wants to gallop away riding someone else’s coat tails - e.g. recycled or post modern art… uncomfortable. We still though - love them.

And that was my recent message on Patreon that bravery is - definitely given a prize this year. The brave and the smart and the ingenious do win…but

You see the soul just honestly wants some space and time and a nice peaceful life. So where do we go there. Eco system wins. Houses. Modern sure or not - it is not about making it up - it’s just about living a more dignified and peaceful experience. And yeah - what is not to say that medicine is art. Medicine - knowing plants and compounds also is creative - It is a creative and special way of using the energy of what is available to the greater purpose.

Agriculture - art. Imagination. Housing too. Understanding the world - Science. Maths. It’s all - kind of like - feeling inspired and wanting to learn more and eventually - an answer comes.

So that really cool innovator that made something - big. Sometimes is just a person who listens. Or just talks a lot (sure) - but they are in the process of discovery as they speak. They never repeat themselves. Sure to the others it is a blabbing fool but to some people - it is exquisite what that person brings up - the light and shadow in their voice. Their posture. Their way of life. Their universe.

And such

So art. Imagination. Imagination - I feel is the death of previous cycles. Like Pisces the last sign. I’ll just - imagine it. I’ll just…..forget it. I’ll just - fall asleep and …feel fine. But the true interactive moment of life and creativity in that moment is unlimited. It is just whether or not we like it there are - existing materials.

There are existing mode and fashion and already existing inventions etc etc etc.

But we like - really don’t want that sometimes. The reason is because - this world of innocence and art making is growing intensely uncomfortable.

House after house village after village. People’s stuff - everywhere. The earth cannot digest it. She cannot process our old dreams and wishes just - piled up in the junk yard of dreams. But her - the earth - she. Cannot be that junk yard! Can she? Well - It is - a junk yard of people’s imagination.

Because we are really severely not happy here and we don’t really have a home without designing something - “extensive” this is why - we are all hurt. We are all broken and “betrayed” - “evicted” from this “garden” of eden. We don’t know that honestly - we just have to get rid of it. Just rid…rid rid. Of so much - (the higher ups know but they would never say this out loud)

We have to get rid of that which we have “evolved” into because it is a problem. It is a hazard. It is just noise. It is just nastiness. It is just laziness. It is just worthless. Like - accumulated fat, junk, fast food, repetitive noises.


All that repeats has an evil to it.

Everything that is repetitive and considers itself necessary or important in it’s repetition (even such thing as a repetitive pattern in your home or furniture that is mass produced) - it is all - evil at the base..

And I did talk in Pisces about doubles or triples - many things repeating - the same pattern - coincidence?

You don’t need it. A repetitive or sequential reality where things go on and on and on and on and on and on - unless they serve a very intense purpose - e.g. stitches on clothes - well. It’s all wrong. In some way. Trying to tie it in together is hard but also - look..

Cells. Repeat. Hairs repeat. We repeat sometimes too so that is part of this kind of broken cycle of creativity. In a sense god has created a skin or scales or fur. It is a repetition and has been like that for millions of years…on this and other planes.

But we don’t have that. But we want to be like god - we have wall paper and patterns, we have cups and mugs that all match we want a kind of security

Sometimes we want things in just the one tone. Like - I have a cream and gold house. All of it is just one colour honestly - just sandy. This obsession with monchrome palette or having things that fit - having things that have similar form and similar style or taste…you know.

Imagination going wild? Well - it’s free to do what it likes but it is a kind of - a pallet of taste but what is that. Why - Why do we make sequences with art and design and other industries. The music industry - movie industry. It is terrible repetitive and in that it is - a monster - it is a kind of Devil.

How do we break free.

Well in truth we were all just here for a minute. We had to see that this universe is kind of half darkness and not treat it seriously. Repetitive cycles - we just had to walk through it and look for something else - something unusual unique interesting or different and just discard this endless landscape of just stuff. And in a way life is like this you live it out and you don’t any longer want the same sequence so you go and you let your body die and wither without another thought of coming back in here. You don’t need it.

I know what skin cells are I know what hair follicles are. I’m ok here. I’m ok - I don’t want it I don’t want to be described by this. And here we have a massive fear. Oh my god. I’m not like - happy in me. So I keep on drawing from my “imagination” or “creative ability” as there is just so much ruthlessness or just power or passion or just….mega buzz - in my soul. It was always this. Chaos.

Chaos hiding behind perfectly formed nails and fingers. Chaos creaking in the back of the neck. Chaos….we are all like this? Are we bad? Well - the feeling is that the souls are learning here. Then they just want a unique or different design

And what is out there? Geometry - does it just naturally constantly repeat? Does it just naturally require constant endless fractals to refurbish itself and make brand new noise - or brand new matter. Does it always have - the same pattern. Will it constantly just repeat the plutonic solids - is it gonna just be…..orb, triangle, rhombus, pentagon and so on and so forth - are we all going to be just stuck here in this - body - are we going to constantly have to rehabilitate…are we going to constantly have to change, scream, yell, find out who we are - try to get……imprisoned again. Try to get imprisoned…in this embrace of the past or the future - in this paradox of love or love making. In this paradox of mother and child. In this paradox of dream…and being…”free”?

So the implant is gone you know. Look at it.

Hear it. Feel it - laugh about it.

The implant of having another person’s body trying to coax you into accepting your own paradox of spirit and body - the implant of trying hard to appease someone or to look great or to sound well or to tell more or to just - heaven sakes……believe.

Believe in something out side of these solar systems. Believe in something of a true dream or ambition believe in something else apart from this landscape believe - in a beautiful new body or in a beautiful new brain - believe in a better feeling of love in a better feeling of light - believe…in a baby? Believe in a partner? Belief......


Solid truths. Paradoxes. Imagination.


Then - there is just the spirit of god maybe.



Three >> On the idea of what if... you let go of the beliefs and needs and detached from "the game in the WAY they play it" and instead... wanted to use your imagination to play within the same playground/environment/etc. but with your own rules/end goal... 

A new goal - trying to play with life differently?

I said it before. Life….the wisdom of the plutonic solids and the simple codes and messages of the geometric system of all things - connecting between geometries. Learning compounds and their properties. If you actually believe in yourself you would just be stable and pure. Like this. A geometry yourself maybe. I feel that sometimes. Not every day though. Chaotic feelings come and go.

In some ways - chaotic need to apprehend events or the past or the future - the chaos that it takes to manifest or even - to clean a house, to cook a meal - it’s chatic..then there is this thing….

The environment - being god. Which is what I was dropping in to the Patreon materials last few months. God - being not a faced god - not a guy with a beard or a woman with a fertile voluptuous body and a happy smile. That’s not evil or anything it’s just a bit - thick. Sorry.

If we let go of these confusions we just eventually start to remember ourselves our skin hair and our teeth and other tissues through just the natural collection of - “what god brings”

I have a favorite saying. In parts. In Russia we ask - what’s for dinner. Then a person may say - “What god has brought” - and ofcourse - there are fruits veggies grains and whatever not. And that I love.

So - what god brings to your table every day is the - picture is the secret. Every single object in your home is sacred too if you want it to be (just been channelling about that yesterday) and for real all objects people trees or stones you interact with - or even if they are there - they are sacred. Even just like - crappy things like acne or a sad day - there is something sacred to everything  it is just whether you are or are not aware - it is all programmable.

Check out - the new audio. I’ll post it soon. On how I basically programmed reality as a child. I’ll maybe send you a link.


The whole thing or the big aspect of shamanism is - that we don’t see it feel it or know it but each one of our little tiny interactions - as we breathe, touch Anything, eat anything, do anything…as we pass gas - or just walk around. It’s all - freaked saintly in the end. Everything is entirely holy - but we don’t remember

So how to get your mind back in like - one minute.

Just sit there and know - your interactions with every single person dream idea thought made physical or not physical is all a kind of - game of life in which you SHOW yourself to others - to god to yourself to the greater psyche of all beings through space and time through just simple tiny motions and there is nothing else I can do here.

It’s all not necessarily recorded - but it is all permanently creating itself. How you look at a wall….how you touch a cup. What you say - your sounds….your ego - or like - the noise…you make - or how you choose a song that you wanna play - seriously

It takes an artist to live.

So that thing of - I WANNA DO IT DIFFERENT - and better!! (Ofcourse) but yeah you see. When we got this going on we cannot do anything. You just have to be ok and find pleasure in what was always and what “god has brought you today” as it is about…..a certain karmic labour…

To live to breathe…to walk about - to cook a meal to go somewhere in a car - takes incredible amount of skill to manifest - not every one of us is like - a god at that. We are all over the place. Some of the more talented people believe it or not - may not create anything. Not because they are dull or dud somehow or they are spoilt but yeah - they are here…..

Experiencing the true life that they actually have in front of them.

And in that is a conversation with god. And that is like - a lot of pressure on you I know but - yeah. There it is.


Art or recreational therapies.

Yeah for sure. I mean you are not listed. We always did it. The ones that were old, young or too sick to go outside venturing and hunting - would stay at home and knit or cook or do something. It was not necessarily the women that did that stuff round the house or the crafts. Just whoever honestly - couldn’t stand strong on their feet. Couldn’t go to battle.

So it is not a gender wound.

So you were not necessarily made different also or strange - being a woman kind of feels like it is a hurt feeling but you know - we bleed once a month so we have a kind of healing crisis to go through regularly - which is a whole lot of pain and in a sense we really see the future and past as we become close to death during the menstrual cycle and we see our own - insides come out.

So when we have villages and kilns and some how houses that have been put together - into a formation of homes - you see - people will come out and they will volunteer - to cook and clean, to make sense, to tidy up, to make bed, to create household items, to make crafts. They are not strong people. They can’t walk good. They can’t take down an animal or they can’t bare to see it. They can’t handle it. So they are just sitting there making baskets and such

But question is good - art. Artistry-

And - I found for myself being kind of illogically at play even well into my late 30s - by now I should have really found a way out - found that key - but it keeps on getting lost though I have to tell you this.

Constant art therapy or constant - just fiddling about means there is something wrong or you cannot see yourself going out there and facing life - facing that bear or facing that mammoth. You cannot handle the cold or the heat. You are not stern and considerate to yourself enough or you have been - chosen somehow - by others - to stick to things. Stick to it. Wait here.

Now - in an artist - like the modern day sexy version of artist - there is no limit. You can be 60 and still creative. But we know - what that is. And even people that are older and wiser ALWAYS usually would prefer - items that they can still have around and for the pure worth of their usefulness and not usually for the unfulfilled aspect of just having - an idol


Remember - the Bible and how they said not to worship them. So when you go to a nice gallery and they have idols - just idols - idol things that don’t mean anything and have no real use or true qualities but they are just - stand alone structures or pictures that don’t carry information or any true emotional meaning - you know where you are. And you need to get out.

Cos - the devil - likes to play - where the people don’t need it but they got it.

Like - resources they can’t use. Like a body they can’t move. Like the food they can’t digest - like - whatever. Money they will not ever spend. You know - you see me? You hear me?

It’s idol hands too you know. Like - I’m bored I want to sew GOOD….good

Sew something for your mum or dad. Sew something for your brother. Sew something that you can give to a person and remember yourself with them - with this object - as you did a crazy thing - a fantastic thing. But you went out of your mind - you went psycho to make it.

As it did actually heal you - but it took your shadow and made it physical. An item is a sacred thing - shamanic speak here. An item is a POSESSION

Possessions that you made for your home and family. Possessions that you made for your loved one you see - they are not good enough in the end. They break - let them break let them get dirty in the earth - let them be washed again and again or whatever but - they can - protect you from the rain or sun - they can make you feel free - like skis or other supplies. They can help you fish in the water or they can help you catch a deer.

But you see me - ? You get the drift? They are only your “friends” for the reason that they help you be here and they serve a purpose.

But that Vase of flowers over there. Or that Matisse or that fancy rug - is gross. It’s worthless. It means - foes and predators. It means people will come and get you - because you know - you don’t need but you have allowed your heart to be swallowed by it.


Running away from the harm into an innocent new world

Even if you are sitting in one place and you have no possibility of going to heaven any time soon just touch things. Objects are real. Touch a friend or touch an animal and learn about it and learn to love it and that In itself is a prayer for god to hear and for the world to mirror into your life.

If you want to live by the water - just - look at water. See water. If you want to live by the sand - buy a carpet that looks like sand. If you want to go to the city - just go. (Laughs) but say if you want to buy a house - start respecting and sincerely understanding your house. The amount of trees broken for this house. The amount of earth turned for this house. The amount of people and time it took to labour this house. It was - a lot of work. Every item you own has a soul.

Even if you don’t care for it - china made or Vietnam made - India made - Peru made - we don’t know who it was but we know - they didn’t have a lot. Remember the poor. Give to them. Even in thought or feeling. Or just give some things away to charity so the cycle is closed and you don’t have to repeat it.

It’s all magic.


Thank you

I’ll post this


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