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The doom scroller [ the unrefined genius ]

Writer's picture: Polina OutkinaPolina Outkina

With our brain power combined be ware the databank of the www and of the future of humanity....but before this - lets ask:

Why do you just sit there sometimes. Looking into space or you just “switch off” and cannot do anything - not even a little.

Dishes are piling up. There is nobody at home. Nobody you want to call.

Sitting there. Just seeing yourself - breathing. Thinking a bit.

Facebook, internet, other things.

Just….dwindling the time.

The reason is - because we don’t know - there is a feeling of fear inside. It can’t know. Paralysis of a certain part of yourself can happen. Not wishing to move on from the previous problem you are still solving in your body or mind. Still caring for something that was gone ages ago. Feeling separate.

An absent mind or an absent stare.

Not being aware as to where you were or are. The feeling of complacency or just - depression as they call it - could actually be this.

You were - always gonna be who you are. The energy is changing, you are getting bigger, smarter and more intuitive. Sure it may sound like a lie and maybe you may not trust people on this whole “ascension symptom” thing and neither do I. It is just a weird wormhole that you may be in.

And the reason you cannot do anything about this state is this.

Because you can’t…right now. Someone told you you can. First it was your mum or dad or the teacher at your school. Then it was them - the kids, or the people you liked on tv. Then it was others.

Yes we can - yes you can they said

And can - what. What can I? Well, you can try. Get up early. Brush your teeth - do that which we do. Come on! Come back to us! Lets play!!

But what’s the game? What are the costs of this game. What’s the point of it all. And what’s the cause? And then here - you kind of die. You have to change your mission and position on what is wrong and right.

Unfortunately for some of us if we were “made” to work or produce, or we were “made” to interfere in other people’s lives and also teach them how it’s done and such - you see, it’s just endless sparks.

Energy sparking in the body, energy sparking in the mind. It’s hard for me too sometimes. What’s the point.

The neurological crisis that we have all over our planet is simply a big sigh. A sigh that we needed to have years or decades ago. A sigh that we needed to allow ourselves to have. The disappointment with time or disappointment even with this earth and how it works. What it speaks of. How it function. The hardship of being - oneself.

It was always “time” to be this or that or the other. But - did you have the time to just - connect. And maybe with your mother, father, sister, child or even lover - connections were but promises. A little IOU and nothing happened then after. They faded away.

But still you sat and waited or you just imagined. Then things took a turn. We are in a time of critical thinkers and people that maybe have no position in society but they are - alive, and yes they are too - afraid. So we sit there in our lounge room waiting for the day to end sometimes, or for the battery to just run out of juice.

Just sitting there hurts. But I’ll tell you why. Because we cannot go on like this. We can’t go on messing with people’s minds. We can’t go on buying that stuff. We can’t carry on - having those people in our lives or supporting many things that are now going to become naturally embarrassingly hard to do - for all of us.

Not everyone is going to be able to do any of that. Debts. Banks. Governments. Illness. Things like that. We cannot afford it. I cannot afford that which I’ve had before or done before, or even said before. Life is becoming - uncomfortable.

And so people raise an eyebrow to all this. And the ancient primordial mind kicks in. Sitting at home - in your cave - just Doom Scrolling.

And why - are we doing this. Why are we this. And the reason is - because we’ve had countless generations of “what if” - of just grab this and do this. Here - take instruction. Here - have a baby. Here do this. Walk this way!

And here we are just - secretly and silently rebelling.

It is a rebellion against your day. Against mum or dad. Whoever plugged you into the position that you are in today. Whoever signed you up or whatever made you do - this. Even this. Just that which you are here now. Can be occasionally hard and ostracizing.

So why can I relate. I did this also - for a while. I had phases of it in my life.

And what this taught me is this:

You have to get over that part of you that is the silent observer, the faceless observer, the person that cannot be seen complaining or saying anything. The silent mountain in the background. Just grim with hardship. You cannot afford to just stay there in the back somewhere. On your phone. In your world. With those goggles on.

But what we have here is actually very interesting.

We just have a whole body of people not wanting to.

In a sense it is a secret and silent revolution against whatever we have said and done as a species before and whatever cause and effect it took - to get here where we are now - as a species. Just dampening out everything. Switching off war. Switching off anger. Switching off proactivity. In this damp silence.

In this - forgiveness. And maybe just a little bit of imagination but over all it is like a secret. Maybe - sitting there silently scrolling is a secret to you. But I have a key. Here it is.

Give up everything. Maybe stay safe with this I don’t want you to overwhelm yourself. Sit there. Wait till it happens. What is it - not to wear clothes. At all. Ever maybe for a while. What is it like - to switch off the tv or the buzz of the computer. What is it to be alone. Sure. If needed. What is water. What is it not to have it for a while (many people do that) - what about food.

What about branding - switch it off. Fashion - off. Illusions fetishes or go to places. Off. Switch it off. And sit in the dark. Sit in the dark. And face the faceless self or selves. Do you hear voices sometimes. Do you feel fear. Did you ever feel there was someone under the bed or in the closet. Did you fear that someone may come up to you and say something?

That’s what the internet is building. Psychosis. And we don’t know that.

But in that safety of knowing that you are just here alone in your room and sure for a while your mind may make up a ghost or apparition - you are just safe. As you are you. And there his no need to call upon or beckon anything or anyone. You don’t need to summon a face telling you how and why. You don’t have to ask to be provided information or any kind of stimulation. Just wait for it when it kicks in. The tears and the utter most emotional gravity o it all.

The I’m sorry. And I’m hateful. The degeneration is seen here. The degeneration of the pineal, the sadness of the heart, the whole body just collapsing. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to do. I’m secretly constantly beating myself up. In secretly constantly in overwhelm.

And you will start again after that. Just seeing that wall crash and all that stuff coming out of you for a minute. All the micro impulses being a hidden secret to your own story gently rocking itself to sleep underneath the pile of thinking patterns and memorized aspects that you didn’t have to have.

The pineal gland is not hard to switch on actually - you just have to relieve it off the pressure, the pressure of being - insane - in a polar opposite world to you.

Polar opposite as nothing makes sense - to your own inner teaching and thinking

And here is the silver lining

You are - your own best friend. And maybe that took many centuries to form. You are the ideas person of great proportions or you are just very loving and innocent. It is just that - there’s not a lot to do.

And that in itself is a hidden miracle of the times we are going through.

You are a secret. You have no regret. A mountain hiding within itself a pot of gold. It is not clear as to who you are yet - but maybe in time it is going to be.

And yes as a little note - we can indeed program social media unconsciously select trends with our soul/heart current and even delete people from the global interaction with our minds. Why - why. I don't know. Cos we are. That's not a database thing. It's just life force and thinking patterns sometimes but we are all unfortunately HEAVILY programmed ourselves. Which will take - some further thought...and maybe more doom scrolling (lol)




+51 947 119 819 

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